ONLF calls for restraint

ONLF calls for restraint
The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) is sending its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Hachalu Hundessa.
The departure of Hachalu Hundessa is not only a blow to his family and those close to him, but to peoples in Ethiopia and the world who cherish the freedom of expression, the love of peace, justice and freedom. His arts and activism inspired many and will be missed.
ONLF, calls for those aggrieved by the demise of Hachalu Hundessa to exercise restraint and show those whose intention was to create havoc will not succeed.
Finally, ONLF calls upon all parties to avoid turmoil and work together to avert any disorder from these unfortunate events, otherwise, the perpetrators’ plan will be fulfilled.
May sane minds prevail.
ONLF Press Release
For immediate release
July 2, 2020
Jigjiga, the Somali State
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