15 March 2011 The Ogaden as with most Horn of African regions is under the grips of severe draught. The Deir rains had failed and since then the livelihood of both people and livestock has been steadily deteriorating. The draught has now reached a stage where both people and animals are dying. The draught in the Ogaden is more lethal […]
14 January 2011 In 1981 the OAU committee mediating between Somalia and Ethiopia regarding the conflict in the Ogaden ,declared that the Ogaden is part of Ethiopia. That decision was based on the 1964 resolution of the OAU promulgated in Cairo regarding the sanctity of the African borders left by colonialism. That unjust resolution in no way took into account […]
The 5th plenary session of the Central Committee of the Ogaden National Liberation Front was held between 25th December 2010 to 1st January 2011. The session was attended by CC members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front both from inside and outside of Ogaden. The session was held at a time when the whole of the Horn of Africa, specially […]
4 September 2010 The Ethiopian regimes Mines and Energy Minister, Alemayehu Tegenu recent interview with Reuters in which he claimed that his regime’s military is in control of Ogaden is wishful thinking and is designed to give a false sense of security to oil firms who seek to exploit the oil resources of Ogaden. The facts are that Ogaden remains […]
ONLF Statement On Oil Exploration & Security In Ogaden 4 September 2010 onlf The Ethiopian regimes Mines and Energy Minister, Alemayehu Tegenu recent interview with Reuters in which he claimed that his regime’s military is in control of Ogaden is wishful thinking and is designed to give a false sense of security to oil firms who seek to exploit the […]
Meles Zenawi Incites genocide again in Ogaden Response to M Zenawi’s Press Conference of August 11, 2010 August 16, 2010 On August 11, 2010, Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, in a bid to mislead the international community, stated in a press conference that a particular clan in the Ogaden is fighting against his government and implied that his […]
2 February 2009 As the heads of State of the African Union (AU) convene, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) wishes to note the continuing suffering of the people of Ogaden at the hands of the host nation of the ongoing AU summit. The Ethiopian regime has a well documented and systematic campaign of persecution against the people of Ogaden. […]
The Ethiopian regime has begun forcefully resettling nomadic families in the Shinile area of Ogaden to designated camps. These families were Forcefully rounded up and trucked to these designated camps near Obole and Higlaley recently in what appears to be the start of a broad effort to remove pastoralists in Ogaden from the normal grazing lands of their livestock. This […]
By Adow Jubat Two UN officials are investigating fraud reports in their resettlement and registration operations. The officials from the UN Inspector General Office in Geneva visited the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) offices in Westlands, Nairobi, to investigate alleged registration of Kenyan Somalis posing as refugees. The registration targets refugees from Ogaden region in Southern Ethiopia. The […]